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Huda Akil’s research on pain and stress illuminates the brain’s own resources for combatting physical and mental distress.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is caused by a traumatic event that results in symptoms which can impact mood, memory, cognition, behavior, arousal, and more.
Stressors impact our everyday lives: Acute stress can be helpful in keeping us out of danger, while chronic stress can contribute to the development of disorders and diseases.
Stress alerts you to get out of danger but can cause damage when left unchecked.
What do standing frustrated in a supermarket checkout line or sitting in a traffic jam have in common with fleeing predators, as was done in the early days of human beings?
For those with PTSD, a stressor linked to a memory of a harrowing, traumatic event produces a grave sense of danger or fear — inducing a pronounced fight-or-flight response.
Neuroscientists are beginning to reveal how chronic stress can impact the brain, body, and behavior.
A stressful situation activates three major communication systems in the brain, all of which regulate bodily functions.
Water insecurity isn’t only a physical health matter. It’s a mental health issue, too.
Maternal inflammation, caused by drug use or a viral infection, disrupts normal developmental pathways so increases babies’ risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.