Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society: Music and the Brain

  • Published27 Nov 2018
  • Reviewed27 Nov 2018
  • Source BrainFacts/SfN

Music is a universal language and a powerful force in the world. It can have incredible impact on our brain and easily make us cry or feel joyful. Just a few notes of a song can resurface memories long past.

In this 2018 Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society lecture, legendary jazz guitarist Pat Metheny discusses, with a panel of SfN members, music’s impact on the brain and on our emotions and memory; the process of creativity in music, art, and science; and the role of music in healing.



Neuroscience 2017

The Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience hosted in Washington, DC, November 11-16. 

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